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Rock your rhythms

Eilish Bouchier
@unsplash @ameenfahmi

@unsplash @ameenfahmy

@unsplash @ameenfahmi

@unsplash @ameenfahmi

@unsplash @ameenfahmi

@unsplash @ameenfahmi

We are all different, each with our unique rhythms. I know some unreasonable people who rise cheerily before sunrise and others are draggin’ their a**es out of bed after 8:00. I’ve friends who perk up as soon as the sun starts setting and others who run out of juice at 8pm.  I used to be the former. I’ve now closer to the latter.

What if you learned your own rhythms and worked with them?

I began this practice when I started working with the moon cycles. I noticed there were days when I was really focused and effective and other days when no matter how much time I spent working I seemed to achieve little. I began to track my rhythms.

When you swim in the ocean you begin to tune into the waves. You notice a pattern. Three big waves break with little time between each one. Four break more gently and are more spaced out. The crashing three return and are followed by the smaller four. You change your behaviour according to this rhythm. This continues until something changes the pattern of the waves. You soon learn the new rhythm and adapt to it.

We are all different, each with our unique rhythms. I know some unreasonable people who rise cheerily before sunrise and others are draggin’ their a**es out of bed after 8:00. I’ve friends who perk up as soon as the sun starts setting and others who run out of juice at 8pm. I used to be the former. I’ve now closer to the latter.

What if you learned your own rhythms and worked with them?

I began this practice when I started working with the moon cycles. I noticed there were days when I was really focused and effective and other days when no matter how much time I spent working I seemed to achieve little. I began to track my rhythms. I discovered my most productive time was afternoons between 12.00–6:00 pm, while I cultivated creative work in my mornings. This simple practice of working aligned with your biorhythms is a game changer for my clients and part of the first step in my InsideOut Practice. Imagine your days and weeks feeling naturally in flow, rather than tense and tedious. I refined it by batching my workflow tuning into the energy of the weekdays.

  1. Monday ruled by the moon. I reflect, plan and do admin

  2. Tuesday ruled by Mars. I get into projects and get stuff done.

  3. Wednesday ruled by Mercury. Communications.

  4. Thursday ruled by Jupiter. Big picture and planning.

  5. Friday ruled by Venus. Love, connection and sharing.

  6. Saturday ruled by Saturn. Chores.

  7. Sunday ruled by Leo. Time to bask and shine.

There are rhythms everywhere. Daily there’s sunrise and sunset. We breakfast, lunch and dine. We inhale and exhale. We work, restore and play. As the seasons change we adapt our rhythms. In summer we play more. In winter, rest more. There is rhythm in music, dance, walking, talking, listening, cooking, playing, running, singing, painting, writing and even in bills. Cadence is running the show in every aspect of our lives.

When we break the rhythm we notice. It jars and wakes us up. We need this too much of same same and we crave a little difference. the jolt may return to its previous rhythm a little more alert or a new rhythm may emerge. We appreciate the consistency to create momentum. We need the jolt to shake things up.

If you accept that the universe is mathematical. You accept that everything has a rhythm. You, your work, your life. Learn it. Use it.

Would working with your natural rhythms change anything? Could alignment and flow change everything?

Maybe instead of pushing you could trust. Instead of busyness you could focus. Instead of hustling you could share. Maybe, instead of procrastinating you could experiment. Instead of knowing you could ask, learn and co-create. Instead of fear you could choose love. Instead of exhausting yourself your could pace yourself.

So, can you recognise there’s also a rhythm in your business? A rhythm in how you conceive your business, envision, organise and how your business evolves into another stage of its evolution.

These are its cycles of creation and they’ll continue to cycle. When you tune into these rhythms you can be more effective with your time, energy, money and resources. You can begin to trust that you’ll do the right action at the right time. You’ll give up pushing and trust your flow. You might also liberate yourself and begin to get your business working for you rather than you slaving for it.

With the flexibility that technology affords us, it makes no sense to follow someone else’s rhythm. The clocking in at 9 and out at 5 was created to serve the cranking up and shutting down of large machines for the industrial revolution, not the technological revolution we are presently living. It makes sense for you and your business to respect your unique rhythms. And let’s not forget the rhythms of your relationships and your life that need a little respect and attention too. When you work with others you sync your rhythms but that’s another post.

Before you can rock them you need to know them. Here’s a worksheet to figure out your unique rhythms. Track it daily for a month or a full Moon Cycle (29.5 days). Start with the next New Moon on March 18. If you join my list I’ll send you a Moon Planner. You’ll soon notice the patterns. You can plan for creative time, productive time, sales time, client time, down time, admin time, sleep time, yoga time, time out and YOU time. When you‘ve established your best time to work, rest and play, choose what you’ll make sacred: no phones, no email. Remove all distractions. You’ll soon find you get more done in less time and there’s more time for what really matters.

I’d love to hear how you go. Thank you for reading.

x Eilish



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