Full Moon Ritual
Before you begin. Make the time sacred for yourself. Set a time about 5-10 minutes when you won’t be disturbed. Gather everything you need. Paper, pencils, markers. Light a lovely candle. Have a bath. Clear a space. Sit at your altar or at your table or in the light of the rising full moon. Now you’re ready. Start with a big AHA!
Begin to notice your breath. Bring your attention into your body. Deeply inhale and exhale as you allow your breath to flow up and down through your central spinal column washing away your day, clearing any worries or anxieties. Acknowledge any worries, thank them, then dissolve them. As your breath flows imagine a beautiful white and golden light filling you, expanding within you and around you. Anchor your body into the earth by dropping a silken cord deep down into the earth grounding you, connecting you with Mother Earth. As it moves back up invite it to open the gateway to your heart and crown, connecting with all that is.
When you feel grounded and present invoke the guides, angels and spirits you work with. Call for as much help as you wish. Your guides love to work with you and are always happy to receive your call.
Feel the golden white light surround you, protecting you as bask in its glow. Sit a few moments more and let your intentions form in your heart.
You may already know what you wish to release or you may not. Ask for clarity and trust that whatever comes to mind is perfect for this time. Begin to write what you wish to release from your life, what no longer serves you, what you would like to be free from. When you are finished finish with ‘so be it’. Sign your name and date it.
Fold the paper and take a moment to hold it to your heart, feel it and then burn it. Watch it turn to ashes and feel what you have written release as the smoke rises. Know that this ritual has aligned you with your spirit.
Trust your prayers have been heard. Ask if your heart has a message for you as you close this ritual. It may come as a feeling, words, sounds or images. Allow a few moments for this to come through. Write it down. Sit with it for a few moments.
Give thanks to your guides, archangels and spirits for their help and guidance. Gently begin to come back into your body. Smile knowing that your prayers have been answered.
The full moon is also an excellent time to
cleanse your crystals (place them on a windowsill or in your garden for up to 3 nights in the light of the full moon),
make essences,
moon bathe (just like sunbathing).
I’d love to hear what happens for you. We all feel the full moon differently. I often have a very disturbed sleep.
Leave a comment below as everyone has different experiences and after all we’re all in this together.
And of course very full moon needs a good howl. Try if you can to make it one of delight. If you can’t, howl with all your heart. Delight can come later or maybe next full moon.
PS Of course there’s another ritual at the time of the new moon where you invite what you wish to come into your life in the next moon cycle. I’ll post that one next week.