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Happy El Dia de Los Reyes Magos
The magic kings or the 3 Wise Men is a bigger celebration than Christmas Day in Spain & Latin America. It’s a lovely tradition visiting the numerous Belens (cribs) when in Spain during Christmas. We used to do this in Ireland too (but we have way less churches).
In Spain children get most of their Christmas presents today and there are particular sweets, marrones, which of course, are left out to feed the Kings with food and water for their camels. Much like leaving whiskey and cake for the benevolent Saint Nicholas.
Children leave out their shoes (these days likely shoeboxes or something even grander) and their wishlist. They go to bed early with fingers and toes crossed, and wait until morning!
I recall this story feeling quite magical with the 3 wise men (magi) who stayed outside the crib until today (Epiphany). We often asked ‘Can they go in yet?’ feeling sorry for these poor blokes who as children it felt like they were left out in the cold 🙂 There are many versions of the story but here’s one. They were from the ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism. They astrologers, which was considered the highest science of the day. Haven’t things changed? 🙂
By reading the constellations they learned of the imminent birth of Jesus and followed his star (mystical term for light of your soul) to pay homage to the newborn king, bringing gifts of gold (wisdom), frankincense (clear mind), and myrrh (truth & logic).
These are also your soul qualities and the full expression of your integrated self. – your unique gifts to the world. In branding it’s called your Unique Value Proposition (UVP). Do you know your gifts? Do you use them?
Can you describe in 2 sentences @Seth Godin would allow you 8 words What you do? For whom? What results they get? or what problems do you solve for them? Click To Tweet
(which is really all they want to hear 🙂 Yes we are all the centre of our own Universe.
Here’s the meditation (skip the ‘talking bit” and go straight to 2.50 minutes). Maybe you can answer those questions more clearly after the meditation or you can call me. It’s the essence of what I do – help you find ‘your light’ and lightness 🙂
And here’s a worksheet to check your days.
Enjoy your day
Check in on instagram and let me know how you are doing. Please use these tags #consciouscreation #adailypractice #40daychallenge

PS I’m loving all the ‘I’m committed’s that are still rolling in. Keep going. Yahoo for all of you.