The freedom of discipline
Three words have guided me as long as I can remember.
Beauty, Truth & Lightness
They brought me to design and later to yoga and meditation. I discovered they have much in common: seeking simplicity within complexity, exploring and discovering to weave the story that shapes the results—visually, verbally and energetically and vibrationally. People create businesses and their work as an expression of themselves and the need they see in the world. Even when two businesses seem identical it’s who is driving them that denotes their difference.
​The who drives the why.​
Good design is invisible and elegantly projects the energetic imprint of a business and organisation. Crafted from the purpose, vision and values, its positioning directs the evolution of its scaling eco-system.
Design expands and contains, attracts and deflects, guides and embraces, feeds and heals, systemises and frames, disciplines and liberates, and, most importantly, differentiates. It speaks symbolically and universally.
​I am your exploration guide, branding specialist and co-creator.​
We’re in this together to develop and integrate our clarity and confidence.
We believe in the magic of reality, wild possibilities, and joyful success.
​We engage intuitively and strategically with mind, body and soul.
We lead from heart (passion), gut (intuition) and mind (strategy) aligned with our soul's journey.
​I am your most fearless cheerleader and committed supporter and compassionate mirror.
I am the best value you have ever received.
​My work treads a convivial and committed practice of curiosity, conversation and creativity. Asking better questions to elicit your embodied wisdom. Together we make conscious choices, establishing constraints while challenging convention to unfold the radical nature of your offerings so they feel good in your body, look good, do good and sustain and nourish everyone involved.
​I guide you towards the business you will dwell in as it takes shape with structures, systems and beautiful visuals you delight in and a brand vision you are proud to grow into. You may need logos, websites, business cards and printed matter and you may not.
​We are collaborators and co-creators and likely new best friends; deepening our trust and faith in each other, enjoying the benefits of the freedom of our playful discipline.
If you’re curious to learn more about working with me, there are two ways there: done with you services or my business mastery programs
My work is guided by these principles
01 | Belong
Get back in your body. You are enough.
Being sensible is being present with all your senses: taste, touch, sight, hear, smell and intuition.
Embrace with faith this adventure we call life.
02 | Be Creation
Be curious.
Create a vision that inspires and motivates you to become it.
Recall and reclaim all parts of yourself: your purpose, passion, pleasure, prosperity and play.
Know your rhythms. Honour your flow between dynamic creation and focused action.
03 | Be Inspired
Embody your values. Know and own your value.
Consider everything an experiment.
Co-create with the universe for the highest good of all.
What you do and who you are being every day is who you become.
Helping others get what they want is the fastest way to succeed
Accomplish your goals. Work, restore and play every day.
04 | Be Open-Hearted
Give generously. Receive with grace. Open to ease.
Share your offerings from a place of win-win-win-win. People, Purpose, Pleasure, Profit and only choose work that meets 3 out of the 4
Trust there’s more than enough for everyone. Play nicely and share.
Cultivate compassion. Look for what’s good in everyone, every place and everything.
05 | Be Communicative
Ask for what you need. Share who you are; your wisdom and insights.
Speak your truth with courage, kindness and compassion.
We listen to understand.
We speak to penetrate the hearts of others so they may change their minds.
06 | Be Intuitive
Trust your inner wisdom (head, heart, gut).
Reclaim joy. Redefine success. Open to wonder.
Ask and you shall receive the answer.
07 | Be Connected
Cultivate a daily practice to clear your subconscious and nourish your mind, body and spirit.​
Be humble. Be powerful. Be delight!
Prioritise your commitments to yourself and your loved ones.
Your business/work/way of being can be a force for good in the world, serving yourself and others now and for future generations.
08 | Be the Visionaire®
Magnetise. Radiate. Project. Be the lighthouse
Discern what matters. Let go of everything else.
Become who you are. Be the change you want to see.
We’re all in this together: people, plants, animals, earth, universe.