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Eilish Bouchier
Jul 8, 20202 min read
Instant gratification or deep fulfillment?
Do you want your new branding to satisfy this moment or do you want to build a roadmap to your mastery?

Eilish Bouchier
Apr 11, 20208 min read
The Perfect Break To Better Your Brand
‘Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the...

Eilish Bouchier
Feb 28, 20201 min read
Is your brand relationship ready?
As enter the room and look around the sea of people for a familiar face you notice someone new. Their eyes smile, you take another look,...

Eilish Bouchier
Feb 14, 20206 min read
What mood will your brand inspire?
Now we all know that emotions rule the world, which might explain the trouble we get ourselves into, even if many would prefer to think...

Eilish Bouchier
Feb 13, 20205 min read
5 steps to your brand colour confidence
In the first couple of years of business money is usually tight and spending it on design and branding is rarely a priority and I...

Eilish Bouchier
Feb 11, 20201 min read
What’s your story?
Language is frequency. It is not just the words we use but how we use them. It’s not just the stories we tell but how we tell them. If...

Eilish Bouchier
Jan 22, 20201 min read
Unique or special?
Everyone is unique which means we are all different. There will never be someone quite like you ever, ever again. That’s pretty cool and...

Eilish Bouchier
Dec 11, 20192 min read
Meeting your story where you’re at
A common question about brand story telling is ‘If I’m the face of the brand how do I show my personality and keep consistency when I am...

Eilish Bouchier
Dec 6, 20191 min read
It’s a brand new day
We pack a bag, catch a fight and within minutes or hours we are in another world. This happens so often and so easily these days we...

Eilish Bouchier
Sep 30, 20191 min read
Contained Beauty
I remember coming across this house years ago and whenever I think of a holiday house this is the first one that comes to mind. I love...

Eilish Bouchier
Sep 19, 20192 min read
Will you climate strike?
Everyone agrees on wanting to create a better future. What that future might look like of course is where divergence begins, but it can...

Eilish Bouchier
Sep 12, 20193 min read
Who can you trust?
The short answer is yourself, or more accurately first know what you can trust in yourself and it is through that trust you inspire and...

Eilish Bouchier
Aug 2, 20195 min read
Unforgettable you
Ever notice when you’re at a conference, in the office, at a party that some people have a crowd milling around them and others feel a...

Eilish Bouchier
Sep 4, 20181 min read
PatChats for breakfast
PatChats is a breakfast talk series I co-host with Eamon Eastwood of Taste Ireland on behalf of the Lansdowne Club. PatChats is kind of...

Eilish Bouchier
Jun 24, 20187 min read
108 questions to crack the mask and spark connection
Just a few shirks, he was only three years old after all. He hadn’t yet learned how to make up elaborate stories for himself and others...

Eilish Bouchier
Jun 1, 20183 min read
Do you know your biggest brand blindspots?
Peacocks eat thorns and plants that other animals reject, then through digesting them, peacocks transform these poisons into the...

Eilish Bouchier
May 31, 20183 min read
So, what is branding?
Is it a logo, is it a colour, is it a rumour, is it a plane? The word branding is loosely thrown into conversation like people speak with...

Eilish Bouchier
Mar 23, 20184 min read
There’s money in dirt – cracking your mask
The rickshaw stalled in the crowded street. And from nowhere the little girl was right beside me, hand out, waiting, smiling. This is an...

Eilish Bouchier
Mar 8, 20184 min read
Rock your rhythms
@unsplash @ameenfahmy @unsplash @ameenfahmi @unsplash @ameenfahmi We are all different, each with our unique rhythms. I know some...

Eilish Bouchier
Jan 10, 20183 min read
#7 equilibrium – a daily practice
The illustrations come from a corporate talk I present on personal branding. I call it the blah of balance. I love children’s playgrounds...
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